RUBYF&F provides a strong platform for Application Technologists to manage and track the creation of application recipes/formula's, product trials, application batches and test results. All of this functionality is available under the Application Menu and is fully integrated with Formula Manager, Project Management, and regulatory compliance features.
For example, if a flavour house wants to trial flavours in a milk-based beverage, multiple trials are likely be created for each flavour, with differing dose rates and additions such as sugar, cocoa powder etc. The Application manager allows you to accurately capture the details of each trial, so results can be replicated. New trials can be created from scratch or copied from a previous trial, which makes it easy to make and track iterative changes. The Application menu also enables trial results and application ratings to be tracked and searched, for more efficient sample selection for customer briefs.
Feature Highlights:
The Development Application Manager is secure, allowing only authorized users to create trials and record results. User groups can also be configured to share work easily.
Any Application formula recorded in Application manager can be submitted to any project
You can automatically generate customer-specific codes for the products used in an application recipe. In which case, the recipe batch sheet generated in a trial view will have internal product codes, while the recipe generated for the customer in the project will have customer codes instead of the internal product codes.
Generate batch sheets for the recipe in PDF format